Saturday, February 21, 2009

My super proposal form!

1. Topic Area - World Cinema

2. Proposed title, question, hypothesis
How did the films of Hayao Miyazaki gain such a cult and popular western auience?

3. Teacher approval granted, in principal?
yes (i think)

4. Principle texts (if text based study) -
the films of miyazaki, most notably; Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, My Neighbour Totoro, Kiki's delivery service, princess mononoke, NausicaƤ, and The Cat Returns.

5. Reason for choice -
I like his films, and since it is a poopular subject there should be good resources.

6. Academic context for this study (similar research, relevant theory, named theorists) -
Yes - even wikipedia has a very helpful page, with links at the bottom, and a couple of named books with ISBN numbers.

7. Institutional context for this study (industry focus, other texts for comparison, named practitioners, relevant theory, issues, questions
audience theory, inc uses and gratifications. pleasures to audience etc.

8. Identify the audience context for this study (audience profile, access to audience, potential sample) -
I have no set audience, would have to research this further, although i imagine that people who are interested in world cinema, and people who are already interested in japanese culture. The former being white middle class men and women, aged 30-55. The latter being predominantly white and asian males and females, aged 15-25. There is also appeal to younger children due to the animated nature of the films.

9. How will the 4 key concepts be relevant to your study (audience, institution, forms and conventions, representation)?
audience- audiences like the films
institution - how was he advertised, why did disney decide to dub the film?
F&C - conventions of anime films
representation - this is where the textual analysis comes (i think)

10 Potential research sources (secondary):
lots of books and reviews

11. Potential research sources (primary):
interviewing audiences about the films, my own textual analysics and reviews.

13. Potential limits/obstacles/problems?
finding a group to interview?

14. Teacher concerns

15. Teacher approval

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